
Padhastasan-Hand to Foot Pose

Padhastasana, also known as the Hand-to-Foot Pose, is a forward-bending yoga posture that promotes flexibility, improves blood circulation, and soothes the mind. The term comes…

Hasta Uttanasana-Raised Arms Pose

Hasta Uttanasana, also known as the Raised Arms Pose, is a beginner-friendly yoga posture that provides a full-body stretch while boosting energy and flexibility. Derived…

Trikonasana-Triangle Pose

Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, is a classic standing yoga pose that combines lateral stretching with grounding stability. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words…

Vrikshasana-Tree Pose

Vrikshasana, or Tree Pose, is a foundational standing yoga posture that emphasizes balance, strength, and focus. Drawing inspiration from the steady and rooted stance of…